Mid-Year Planning: Take Time to Pause

Taking Time to Pause

Third quarter is a great time to pause and think about your business. Maybe it’s because this time of year often has events, vacations, transitions, or other things that give us time to step back and think a bit. We are outside more, connecting with nature, maybe reading new books at the beach…

Even the act of checking in can reset our intentions and actions.

Are you also more reflective at this time of year? If so, below are a few questions and tips:


Goal check:

Turn back the page to January and look at your goals. How are you doing? Are you hitting your goals? Are the decisions you made at the beginning of the year panning out, or do you need to make adjustments?

Financial check:

During the summer, I make an appointment with my CPA to review my financial projections and make any adjustments to my tax payment through the end of the year. Or I might make some investments depending on the performance. It really decreases fourth-quarter and tax time anxiety and gives you time to make changes.

Energy check:

Check in on the basics. What is my satisfaction with family, financials, fitness, friends, faith, and fun? Are there areas that I am neglecting that I need to spend more time on? Are these things energy builders or energy drainers? Even the act of checking in can reset our intentions and actions.

See something interesting you want to discuss, or need a little more support? Feel free to schedule a 30-minute session during my Friday office hours here.

A journal whose cover says, "Write Ideas" on a wooden table next to a pencil.