Have you ever been blindsided by an unexpected change in your business? While certainty brings comfort, the thrill of new challenges is part of the entrepreneurial journey. According to Tony Robbins, one of our top human needs is certainty. But this is a paradox as another human need is uncertainty. That’s correct, we also crave change on some level. Most entrepreneurs love the adventure of running a business, yet we all prefer some predictability in our plans.
During the pandemic, many of us learned the true meaning of change management. We gained firsthand experience repeatedly handling uncertainty. Still, new curve balls keep coming our way—whether it’s the impact of a presidential election, new regulatory changes like the Michigan Earned Sick Time Act, or shifts in your industry and competitive landscape. So, how can you turn uncertainty into an advantage?
Below are five key strategies, along with actionable steps, to help you manage change even when the unexpected happens.
1. Focus on What You Can Control
Building predictability in your business is essential. One effective way to do this is by creating clear financial projections and regularly comparing them with actual results. This practice builds confidence and provides a roadmap for steady growth. As much as possible, try to increase the predictability and certainty in your business.
In Action:
Set aside time each month to review your financial projections against actual figures. Use a simple spreadsheet or a budgeting tool to track the numbers. You can replicate this process in other areas of your business, such as operations or marketing.
2. Embrace Your Nature
Do you tend to welcome or avoid change? Understanding your own preferences is key to effective change management and navigating uncertainty. Many entrepreneurs who succeeded during the pandemic pivoted by tapping into their creative problem-solving skills and adapting to their customers’ evolving needs. If change feels daunting, consider partnering with those who can help spark innovation.
In Action:
Reflect on the entrepreneurial creativity you displayed during the pandemic. Write down the moments when you successfully pivoted and brainstorm how you can apply that same innovative spirit to current challenges—either individually or with your team.
3. Choose Your Reactions
Not every curve ball requires an immediate reaction. By anchoring yourself in your vision, mission, and values, you can decide where your energy is best spent, avoiding hasty decisions that may come from the emotional brain.
In Action:
Think about a recent unexpected challenge. Ask yourself if a public response is really necessary and if it aligns with your core values. If the answer is no, focus on channeling your energy into strategic moves that reinforce your long-term goals.
4. Stay Informed
Early awareness is a powerful tool against uncertainty. Keeping an ear to the ground by monitoring industry news and trends can give you the time you need to evaluate and plan your reaction to changes.
In Action:
Dedicate 20 minutes (set a timer to avoid doomscrolling and keep your mindset positive) each day to catching up on industry news or market trends. Curate a list of reliable sources or newsletters, and set a daily reminder. This small investment in time can provide valuable insights and guardrails for your decision-making process.
5. Plan Ahead
A proactive plan reduces can significantly reduce uncertainty. Assess potential risks in your company and outline your responses so that when a curve ball comes your way, you’re ready to act confidently.
In Action:
When was the last time you reviewed your risk management or contingency plan? Schedule a review session this week to evaluate your current policies. Identify any gaps, update your strategy, and ensure you’re prepared for the unexpected.
Our brains don’t always react well to surprises. But when we don’t know a curveball is coming, we may not have time to think through our responses. We might react impulsively, relying on our emotional brain instead of thoughtful strategy. With a proactive approach, focusing on what you can control, embracing change, choosing your responses, staying informed, and planning ahead, you can transform challenges into opportunities.
Ready to turn curve balls into opportunities? Stay proactive, and remember that even in the midst of change, you have the power to steer your business with confidence.
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