Why Negative Thinking Takes a Toll on Your Energy
Researchers believe we have over 60,000 thoughts a day. Approximately 95% are repeated and 80% are negative thoughts. Our brains are hardwired to pay more attention to negative thoughts. Through MRI, researchers have found that negative thoughts stimulate the areas of the brain associated with anxiety and depression. The thoughts themselves are not the issue but rather if we are using them to create negative patterns. If negative thinking is making you feel stuck or exhausted, read on…
Negative Thoughts and Positive Thoughts: High or Low Energy?
Below is a matrix for emotions based on J.A. Russell’s E-Map of emotions model. It shows the two dimensions of emotion – high energy versus low and positive versus negative thoughts.

Within a given day, everyone feels a range of emotions, including negative thoughts. The key is to notice what triggers them and develop strategies to move from negative to positive. Sometimes just recognizing that you are experiencing the emotion allows you to let it go. If thoughts are getting in the way of what you are trying to achieve, you want to address them.
Step-by-Step Exercise to Identify and Address Negative Patterns
- Using the matrix above, note your emotions throughout the day and week.
- Find the underlying label for the emotion.
- Consider whether you are o.k. with experiencing this emotion or if you really want to address it. If you want to address it, then trace backward and identify the trigger.
- Then with a colleague or coach, brainstorm strategies to address this trigger and how you can move quickly to more positive emotions and break the pattern.
The goal is not to avoid feeling emotions, but to not remain stuck in an emotion and to recover quickly.
Reclaim Your Energy for Greater Productivity
Negative thoughts are normal, but we can learn to address them and shift quickly to a more positive emotional state.
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Deeper Dive
For more on this topic, check out Emotional Intelligence 2.0 by Travis Bradberry and Jean Greaves.
It’s a powerful resource for helping to manage, adapt, and be more successful with communication. It delivers a step-by-step guide for increasing your emotional intelligence.
Looking for a more personalized approach? Please reach out about my coaching services. I’d love to connect.